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- WinRAR - What's new in the latest version
- Version 3.70
- 1. Numerous Windows Vista compatibility changes:
- a) help format changed from old HLP to newer HTML based CHM;
- b) GUI self-extracting modules attempt to request for
- administrator permissions if they cannot create destination
- folder under current user account;
- c) Log file rar.log and WinRAR theme files are stored
- in %APPDATA%\WinRAR folder instead of WinRAR program files folder.
- Exported settings file settings.reg is also stored
- in %APPDATA%\WinRAR folder by default, but it is possible to
- select another folder in "Save WinRAR settings" and "Load WinRAR
- settings" dialogs.
- WinRAR searches for registration key and settings.reg
- both in its program files folder and in %APPDATA%\WinRAR;
- It is possible to set the string value "AppData" in Registry key
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\Paths to override the default
- %appdata%\WinRAR path for WinRAR settings.
- For example, if you wish to store theme files in WinRAR folder,
- set this value to "c:\Program Files\WinRAR".
- d) Vista compatibility changes in WinRAR shell integration;
- e) New "Request administrative access" option in "Advanced" page
- of "Advanced SFX options" allows to create SFX archive,
- which will request the administrative access when started
- in Windows Vista.
- Command line equivalent of this option is -iadm switch.
- 2. Added support for ISO 13346 (UDF) file format. This format
- is frequently used in ISO images of DVD disks.
- 3. Added Unicode support for ISO 9660 files, so WinRAR should
- handle non-English file names in .iso files better.
- 4. Design changes in window displaying archiving and extraction
- progress:
- a) it provides more space for file names, allowing lengthy names;
- b) it displays the current archive name in separate line,
- allowing much longer archive names than before;
- c) when archiving, it displays the current compression ratio
- in separate line;
- d) it can use both standard Windows and classic WinRAR progress bars.
- Turn on "Windows progress bars" option in WinRAR "Settings/General"
- dialog to use standard progress bars. By default this option is
- on if some Windows visual style is active and off if Windows Classic
- theme is selected.
- Windows progress bars are two color only, so they do not indicate
- the current compression ratio. But now the ratio is displayed
- in separate line;
- e) "Mode..." button moved to bottom of window.
- 5. GUI self-extracting modules support following command line
- switches:
- -d<path> set the destination path
- -p<pwd> specify a password
- -s silent mode, hide all
- -s1 same as -s
- -s2 silent mode, hide start dialog
- -sp<par> specify parameters for setup program
- 6. GUI self-extracting modules do not pass the entire command line
- to setup program like they did in previous versions.
- If you need to get access to entire command line of SFX archive,
- parse sfxcmd environment variable which contains this command line.
- 7. New switch -sc<charset>[objects] allowing to select character
- sets for archive comments and list files. It replaces -fcu switch
- introduced in RAR 3.60, which was removed from list of supported
- switches. Now you need to specify -scuc instead of -fcu to use
- Unicode comments. Unlike -fcu, -sc also supports OEM and ANSI charset.
- 8. New "Save archive copy as..." command in "File" menu.
- This command may be useful if you opened an archive from Internet
- directly in WinRAR and then decided to save it on local disk.
- 9. "Word wrap" command added to "View" menu of WinRAR internal viewer,
- so you can change the wrapping mode of already opened viewer window.
- State of this option is not stored between viewing sessions.
- If you need to change the default word wrap mode, use WinRAR
- "Settings/Viewer" dialog.
- 10. Buttons "Up" and "Down" added to "Organize profiles" dialog.
- Using these buttons you can change position of selected profile
- in the list.
- 11. Operation progress is displayed when adding the recovery record.
- 12. If WinRAR is minimized to tray and mouse is over its icon,
- WinRAR diplays a message about the current operation progress.
- In previous versions it included only percent done, now it also
- contains the time left information.
- 13. Console RAR displays "Calculating the control sum" message
- when calculating CRC32 control sum for newly created RAR volume.
- Previous versions also calculated the volume control sum,
- but did it silently.
- 14. Archives history list in "File" menu allows Unicode names,
- providing more reliable support for non-English archive names.
- 15. Stack overflow vulnerability has been corrected in password
- processing module of console RAR and UnRAR. GUI WinRAR is not
- affected. We are thankful to the iDEFENSE LABS for reporting this bug.
- Version 3.62
- 1. Bugs fixed:
- a) stack overflow vulnerability has been corrected in WinRAR module
- processing 7-Zip archives;
- b) WinRAR GZip module could set a wrong file date when unpacking
- GZip archives.
- Version 3.61
- 1. Corrected a bug in multithreaded text compression module,
- which under some circumstances might result in corrupt archived data.
- This bug was present only in multithreaded mode and only
- in WinRAR 3.60. RAR versions for other platforms are not affected.
- 2. Resolved a compatibility issue preventing WinRAR 3.60 to run
- in Windows 95.
- Version 3.60
- 1. Multithreaded version of RAR compression algorithm improves
- the compression speed on computers with several CPU,
- dual core CPU and processors with hyperthreading technology.
- Multithreading is enabled by default, but you can disable it
- in "General" part of "Settings" dialog.
- In the command line mode you can control multithreading with
- -mt<threads> switch.
- 2. WinRAR can display the folder tree panel allowing to navigate
- in disk and archive folders. Use "Options/Folder tree" submenu
- to enable the folder tree. It can be configured separately
- in file and archive management modes.
- Folder tree replaces "Browse for folder" command previously
- available in "File" menu and uses its Ctrl+T keyboard shortcut.
- 3. Now WinRAR "Rename" command also works with ZIP archives.
- Previous versions could rename files only in RAR archives.
- 4. Added decompression of LZH archives created with "-lh7-" algorithm.
- 5. New "Remove duplicate folders from extraction path" option
- in "Settings/Compression" dialog.
- If this option is on and you unpack an archive which root folder
- has no files and only one 'somename' folder and if destination
- folder is new or empty and also ends with '/somename', WinRAR
- will exclude one 'somename' from resulting 'somename/somename' path.
- 6. New "Define volume sizes..." button in "Settings/Compression".
- This button activates "Define volume sizes" dialog. Here you
- can customize the list of predefined volume sizes associated
- with "Split to volumes, bytes" field in archiving dialog.
- 7. Speed of RAR general compression increased for some data types.
- Depending on data type and size the gain may achieve 5 - 15%.
- 8. New "Rename automatically" option in the extraction dialog
- and command line -or switch to rename extracted files automatically
- if file with the same name already exists. You can also enable
- the auto-renaming mode directly from the overwrite confirmation
- prompt with "Rename All" button.
- Renamed files will get names like 'filename(N).txt',
- where 'filename.txt' is the original file name and 'N' is a number.
- 9. "Set modification time" option in "Advanced" part of extraction
- dialog is accessible also for ZIP archives. Previously it could be
- changed only for RAR archives.
- 10. "Multithreading" option added to "Benchmark and hardware test"
- command, so you can compare performance of usual and multithreaded
- versions of RAR compression algorithm.
- 11. New 'ch' (change archive parameters) command line mode command.
- Its purpose is to apply switches like -av, -tl and -cl to archive.
- 12. New 'cv' command line mode command. It provides the command line
- interface to WinRAR "Convert archives" command. It is supported
- only by winrar.exe, not by rar.exe.
- 13. New command line -sl<size> and -sm<size> switches to set size
- limits of processing files.
- 14. New command line -fcu[file] switch allows to read archive
- comments from Unicode files. It also modifies behavior
- of "cw" command, setting the comment output format to Unicode.
- 15. 7Z added to list of formats stored without compression
- when using -ms switch without a parameter.
- 16. Switch -e[+]<attr> is now supported by most of command line
- operations including extracting and deleting files. Previously
- it was supported by only archiving command.
- 17. It is allowed to use environment variables in archive name
- in archiving dialog, in destination path in extraction dialog,
- in folder names on "Compression" and "Paths" pages in WinRAR
- settings. For example, you can enter '%temp%' in "Folder for
- temporary files" field.